Queensland Pathways State College (QPSC) offers a senior transitions program for young people in grades 10 to 12 (minimum 15 years) who face significant barriers in accessing mainstream education. We actively identify, develop and facilitate clear pathways to post-school education, training or employment, while focusing on student-centred learning, student wellbeing, vocational development and community partnerships.
Students are still able to work towards achieving a QCE while at QPSC. This can be achieved through the banking of already received points from other educational organisations, enrolling in a VET in school option or completing a qualification from an external registered training organisation.
Our curriculum focus
- Literacy and numeracy focus (Vocational Education and Training or Qld Curriculum Assessment Authority subjects).
- Social, Wellbeing, Emotional, Life skills (SWEL) including Adventure Based Learning (ABL) and structured sport.
- Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) dual enrolment.
- Work experience.
Other information
- Links with Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)
to support transitions to work or study.
Links with government and NGOs to provide
additional wellbeing support for individual students.
Our flexible timetable allows for Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) programs and time for other support to be given to students.
Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are developed
for each student, including goal setting and career counselling.
Flexibility in teaching and learning approach
to allow students to set their own pace with literacy and numeracy coursework.